Phobius Database | Introduction | Transmembrane topology | Amino acid sequence....

Phobius Database | Introduction | Transmembrane topology | Amino acid sequence....

Phobius Database-

Phobius Database | Introduction | Transmembrane topology | Amino acid sequence....
                    Phobius Database




Phobius is a program for prediction of
transmembrane topology and signal peptides from the amino acid sequence of a protein.

This server is for prediction of transmembrane topology and signal peptides from the amino acid sequence of a protein.

Homepage of Phobius Database
                                                      Home Page of Phobius Database

 Discrimination of signal peptides and transmembrane segments is an additional problem in topology prediction treated with a limited success by different methods. Both signal peptides and transmembrane segments contain hydrophobic regions which form α-helices. This causes the cross-prediction between them, which is a weakness of many transmembrane topology predictors. By predicting signal peptides and transmembrane helices simultaneously, the errors caused by cross-prediction are reduced and the performance is substantially increased. Another feature used to increase the accuracy of the prediction is the homology (PolyPhobius).”

The Phobius web server provides an easy and accurate mean to predict signal peptides and transmembrane topology from an amino acid sequence. The sequences should be submitted in fasta format, preferably uploaded as a file.


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